Successful Community Living for People with Developmental Disabilities
Dr. Clarissa Kripke explores progress made in community living for people with developmental disabilities. She explains that the Lanterman Act has been enormously successful by establishing an entitlement to community-based services and supports for Californians with developmental disabilities of all ages. Today, most adults with developmental disabilities are living independently with supports or with family. People with disabilities want full acceptance. They want full access to community life, and the opportunity to direct their own lives. To view the video, visit: Successful Community Living for People with Developmental Disabilities
This talk was recorded on November 13, 2014 as part of the Fall, 2014 Mini Medical School for the Public series, Developmental Disabilities: From the Front Lines, sponsored by the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. Script for Successful Community Living for People with Developmental Disabilities