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4: Sources of Communication Supports

Depending on age, an individual may be eligible for a variety of programs that may pay for communication-related services and supports. To avoid duplication of services or unnecessary expenses, many programs only pay for services and supports if the beneficiary cannot get them from other programs. As a result, it can help to follow a particular order when seeking access to services. This fact sheet describes the order of preference when seeking reimbursement for communication-related supports. 

Children under Age 3

  1. Private health insurance
  2. Medi-Cal EPSDT Program
  3. IDEA Part C (Regional Center) 
  4. Regional Center

People Age 3-21

  1. IDEA Part B
  2. Private health insurance
  3. Medi-Cal EPSDT Program  
  4. Vocational Rehabilitation 
  5. Regional Center

 People over Age 21

  1. Private health insurance
  2. Medi-Cal for Adults
  3. Vocational Rehabilitation 
  4. Regional Center

The Americans with Disabilities Act may also require other entities, such as public programs or doctor's offices, to pay for communication supports while the individual is using a service, working as an employee, or participating in a particular program. There is no age limit on use of the ADA. 
