About Us
Our History
In the late 1960's, only four percent of people with developmental disabilities (DD) lived in the community. Today, most individuals with DD have never been in an institution. The life expectancy of people with DD has increased dramatically. It approaches that of the general population. In addition to their disability, as they age, adults with DD typically acquire multiple, chronic medical conditions. Approximately 30% have associated mental illness. We have yet to develop the consult, assessment, and enhanced primary care services necessary to serve this new population of people with complex needs.
The Office of Developmental Primary Care was developed to build the healthcare system's capacity to serve adults with developmental disabilities through clinical services, advocacy, research, training and technical assistance. Read more.
Our Funders
The Office of Developmental Primary Care is supported by The WITH Foundation, Stupski Foundation, Marin Idea Fund, and Far Northern, Golden Gate, and Redwood Coast Regional Centers.
Non-Discrimination Clause
The Office of Developmental Primary Care provides services to all persons regardless of color, ethnic group identification, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, race, religion, national origin, immigration status, physical or mental disability, or political beliefs of the person, or those of his/her/their parents or guardian.
From the Director
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