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Directory of Regional Centers & Other Advocacy Resources

Regional Centers
Under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act, Regional Centers are private agencies that contract with the California Department of Developmental Services to fund and coordinate services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Twenty‐one Regional Centers serve the state of California. Contact the Regional Center Case Coordinator if your patient needs social services or advocacy.

Disability Rights California
Toll Free 800-776-5746 / TTY 800.719.5798
Formerly known as Protection & Advocacy, Inc., Disability Rights California (DRC) is a non‐profit organization that provides legal advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities and/or mental health disabilities. Services are provided free of charge. Contact DRC if your patient is not a Regional Center client and their health and safety is at risk or if you have identified a systems problem that places your patient with disabilities at risk.

Office of Clients Rights Advocacy
Northern California 1-800-390-7032 (TTY 877-669-6023)
Southern California 1-866-833-6712 (TTY 877-669-6023)

The Office of Clients Rights Advocacy (OCRA) is a statewide office run by Disability Rights California, through a contract with the California Department of Developmental Services. The OCRA provides consultation, direct representation, and training to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. For individuals living in facilities, the OCRA can also investigate complaints and assure compliance with the law. Contact OCRA if your patient is a Regional Center client and needs advocacy support in order to access services or negotiate with the Regional Center.

State Council on Developmental Disabilities
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) monitors the Regional Center system to ensure the legal, civil, and service rights of individuals with developmental disabilities. Responsibilities include: local advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities. SCDD Regional Offices are federally funded through the offices of the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities. Contact your local Regional Office if you have a concern about your Regional Center.

Adult Protective Services
Each county has an APS agency to help elder adults (65 years and older) and dependent adults (18‐64 who are disabled), when these adults are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Contact Adult Protective Services if your patient’s health and safety is in danger.



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